Hypnotherapy with Mohit Verma

Body | Mind | Emotions | Energies

Tap into the Power of Your Sub-Conscious Mind

Why Should You Consider Hypnotherapy?

If your answer to any of the following questions is a YES, then YOU NEED A Hypnotherapist…

Are you always/mostly stressed and anxious?

You want to overcome emotional pain caused by past issues or events?

Do you have disturbed sleep? And you wake up tired and feel lethargic?

Do you experience anger bouts frequently?

Is your personal and/or professional relationship space in a mess?

You experience unexplained pains in your body?

Are you addicted to drinking, smoking or any specific relationship or self-sabotaging habit?

Do you experience fear or phobia about anything or anybody?

Do you experience low self-esteem, low self-confidence, lack of focus and low productivity?

Is your patience and tolerance to surrounding thin?

Are you unclear about your priorities?

Do you feel lack of motivation in life?

Do you have any lifestyle dis-ease like diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, PCOD etc?

Have you gone through recently or undergoing at present any trauma like relationship separation, loss of job, loss of loved one and toxic relationship in life?

Want to reprogram your Sub-Conscious Mind to create balance, health, wealth & happiness?

Hypnotherapy helps you in…


Anxiety Management

Dealing with Depression

Weight Management

Healing Trauma

Teenage Issues & Worries

Improving Focus & Concentration

Stress Management

Releasing Fears and Phobias

Quitting Addictions

Building Happy Relationships

Career Related Issues

Gaining Self Confidence

Anger Management

Sleeping Disorders

Pain Management

Parent Child Issues

Enhancing Work Productivity

Allergy Management

My Approach

I am so glad you have made your way here!

You will agree that life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving because Step One in Life is “Balance”.

I believe you have the ability to transform your life into anything you want it to be. The KEY to becoming the best version of yourself… IS INSIDE YOU.

Freedom, Transformation and Empowerment begins in a part of the mind that very few people know how to access “THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND”.

According to research, 95% of the time our life is controlled by the subconscious mind. Therefore, no matter what thoughts or feelings we want to have, if our subconscious mind is programmed to think or feel differently, we will not be able to change them. A hypnotherapist works with you “confidentially” to facilitate access to your subconscious mind and rewrite all of your old programmings.

Hypnosis is the state from which you can make extremely powerful changes in your life because it is the state in which you are the most receptive, creative, and intuitive. It is a safe, non-invasive and scientifically proven way to improve one’s life by accessing one’s subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy is a powerful and effective science that puts you in a perfect state of mind so that your negative subconscious programming can be replaced by positivity and a sense of focused calm.

The average success rate of hypnotherapy is 93% as compared to Psychoanalysis and Behaviour Therapy according to a survey by Dr Alfred A. Barrios (Ph. D)

Hypnotherapy = 93% success after 6 sessions.
Psychoanalysis = 38% success after 600 sessions.

Let us understand the right context to approach hypnotherapy.

I am an expert guide. I take your hand and guide you deep into your subconscious mind and show you around and you clean it up. Your beliefs, emotions, habits, values, protective reactions, imagination, intuition… these all reside here. You make it what you want it to be in there.

If you want to take charge of your life and are open to being guided by an expert, you will definitely succeed.


Do you want to take charge of your life & create your destiny?


Then, Book Your FREE DISCOVERY CALL with me now.

As a therapist, I will…

    • Remind you that you are not broken.
    • Give you room to access your own wisdom.
    • Support you and facilitate you in figuring out what to do.
    • Collaborate with you on how to make the hard stuff easier to sit with.
    • Handhold you and guide you deep into your subconscious mind enabling you to heal yourself and reprogram your subconscious mind to achieve your desired goal.

How It Works

The mind is divided into conscious and subconscious minds.

The conscious mind contains logic, rationalization, willpower, and short-term memory. It is the smaller area of our mind, which is said to account for approximately 10% of our mental capacity.

The subconscious mind is the larger part, approximately 90% of our mental capacity. It is sealed and gated by a critical filter separating it from the conscious mind. It contains all permanent memory, habits, and programming to generate emotions, intuition, and so on. Intuitive wisdom and creativity are also important functions of the subconscious mind.

Hypnotherapy relaxes your critical filter and enables access to your subconscious mind.

The hypnotherapist is like a guide who facilitates the hypnotic process. You can enter or exit the hypnotic state anytime you wish; therefore, you will not “get stuck” or lose control in hypnosis.

Through the skilled guidance of a hypnotherapist and your courage to remain open, we can utilize the hypnotic state as a powerful place for transformation and healing.

Most of the dis-eased state is created by carrying emotions and hurts which you are unable to release and resolve. These hurts and unpleasant memories, connected to strong emotions, whether real or perceived, are stored in your subconscious mind. Mentally remembering them or being exposed to the same situations and people, generating the same feelings, emotions and hurts, makes them accumulate over a period of time, which creates an energy potential that disturbs the economy and balance of the mental, emotional and physical body. This increased negative energy potential, in turn, creates blockages in the systems which keep us unhealthy, unhappy & in a dis-eased state. Ultimately, they prevent us from moving on and achieving our goals in life.

Unlocking past blockages is an important step in hypnotherapy thereby Creating Balance in your Body, Mind (Thoughts), Emotions and Energy so that you may live a Healthy Life, create more Wealth and enjoy Happy Relationships.

Source: ICHARS


We will help you visualize yourself in a state of peacefulness and relaxation.


We will help you with gentle suggestions for behavior changes that can help you conquer your issue.

Coping Skills

We will teach you certain cognitive-behavioral coping skills that you can use when confronting fears or anxieties.

Exploration of Past Experiences

We will encourage you to talk about the first time you experienced the behavior or problem that you are trying to overcome and how you felt at that moment.

Facts About Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is an accepted form of medical treatment.

Hypnosis has been an accepted form of medical treatment since the 1950s. Every year, more and more people seek out appointments with hypnotherapists to find a healthy way to control fears and change negative behaviours. To achieve this, hypnotherapists help people access their subconscious minds, something many of us do every day without realizing.

The average person experiences hypnosis at least twice a day.

Believe it or not, you likely enter a hypnotic state at least twice a day. Common examples include arriving at your destination without memory of driving there, zoning out while reading the page of a book, or becoming so engrossed in the television show you’re binging that you barely realize half a day has passed.

A hypnotized person remains in complete control.

Hypnosis occasionally makes an appearance on television. It’s usually part of a storyline in which the hypnotized person has lost all control and becomes a “puppet.” In reality, people in a relaxed state of hypnosis remain completely in control. They should be able to hear, comprehend, and later remember what the hypnotist suggests. There should be no concerns about being made to cluck like a chicken while hypnotized.

Your brain works differently while in a hypnotized state.

Hypnosis allows the brain to bypass the conscious part of the mind. It “turns off” the desire to ask questions or take note of surroundings. Instead, the brain gains hyperawareness, a state of being in control of one’s body and/or surroundings without consciously thinking about it.

A human stays completely awake during hypnosis.

Contrary to popular belief, hypnotism is a natural state of mind. It’s not a form of sleep. Scientists have proven over and over again that people remain wide awake while under hypnosis, and even retain complete control of their actions.

Stage Hypnosis and Clinical Hypnosis are very different.

When “hypnosis” is mentioned, most people tend to think of stage hypnosis. This is the popular show during which a hypnotist chooses seemingly random people, sends them to sleep, and then makes them do hilarious (and kind of mean) tricks for laughs. As entertaining as stage hypnosis may be, it has little to do with clinical hypnosis. Clinical Hypnosis is an accepted form of therapy that helps people overcome various ailments via a relaxed mind and strategic suggestion.

Hypnosis can help overcome a variety of physical, mental and emotional disorders.

People seek out hypnotherapists for a variety of reasons. These include getting help overcoming fears and phobias, weight loss, negative and traumatizing memories, insomnia, smoking and many more…